Friday, 30 September 2011

Day 20. Quebec

Quebec City, a beautifull city with the old city in the centre.
Montmorency falls which are one and a half times higher than Niagara Falls.

Local shop on a small island off Quebec city and a view back to the ship with the city in the background

Quebec Parliament house and the Citadel that was used to protect the city

Street scenes from old Quebec

The beautiful Chateau Frontenac, the centre piece of the city


Day 19, Saguenay

The welcome committee at Saguenay, it was really nice to have the whole dock area set up in tradtional costume for our arrival.

Wood carver and some of his carvings in the arrival hall

The old paper mill and hydro power station that was destroyed by flood
One of the buildings has been restored and turned into a museum

Back on board the ship for our silver service lunch in the beautifull Pinnacle Grill restauraunt

Painters at work on the ships funnels while in port

Sunst when leaving port and the ststue of Mary that is 25feet tall that was errected in three pieces on the cliff by a man that survived falling into the fiord.

Day 17. Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island, a beautiful old town that has been preserved really well.
Street scenes.

Province House the location of the formation of Canada as a nation.

St Dunstans Basillica

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Day 16. Sydney

Alexander Graham Bell museum in the town of Baddeck

Baddeck bay

Street scenes in Baddeck

Interesting names for take away food outlets
Louisbourg Fortress

The big fiddle